Remembering John

Created by Debbie Perez 14 years ago
I met John through mutual friends about 11 years ago in Las Vegas. That first trip I thought he was quite the “wild man”! As I got to know him better I was privileged enough to see the many layers of his wonderful and giving personality. John knew I loved to hike so he and I decided to take a trip to Kauai to attempt the NaPali coast. It was an amazing adventure. However, the most memorable part of this trip was on Sunday John asked me if I wanted to go to church. He found this little gospel church on the other side of the island that was mostly locals. It was beautiful. He really surprised me and we spent the rest of the day talking about what our faith meant to each of us. This revealed the most important layer of John’s personality that was his “core”…His love for Jesus Christ. I hold this memory dear as I know he is with Him in Heaven. I spoke with John only a few times after he met and fell in love with Hope. It made me so happy for him to have found the love of his life and go on to create a beautiful son. His zest for life and his loving spirit lives on in him and everyone who’s lives he touched.
